Daniel Asia

Midwest Record


MULLER-STEIGERWALT/In Your Head: Despite the fact that
almost no one connected with this project could be considered a
millennial, there’s an incredible amount of forward thinking in this
set of ‘new music for piano four hands’. The duo playing are
committed to new music, and have been for decades, and their
sprightliness and energy belie the unretouched hair. While the war
horse repertoire the majors are comfy with are great musical
comfort food, this is like a feast with avocado toast, fusion cuisine
and an interesting array of spices. The vitaes told in the booklet
would make you think this is a load of eggheads on parade but it’s
anything but. A marvelous display of contemporary classical piano
by a slew of serious award winning cats, this will open your ears to
the future in fine form. Killer stuff.
(Navona 6190)
Chris Spector